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Tisseron C, Djaha J, Dahourou DL et al, 2024. « Exploring the sexual and reproductive health knowledge, practices and needs of adolescents living with perinatally acquired HIV in Côte d’Ivoire: a qualitative study », Reprod Health, 21, 180.

Comment citer (référence de la revue ou celle que vous souhaitez voir reproduite) Tisseron, C., Djaha, J., Dahourou, D.L. et al. Exploring the sexual and reproductive health knowledge, practices and needs of adolescents living with perinatally acquired HIV in Côte d’Ivoire: a qualitative study. Reprod Health 21, 180 (2024). https://doi.org/10.1186/s12978-024-01919-6
Type de publication
  • Article scientifique
Date de publication 05.12.2024
Court résumé Adolescents face unique challenges in accessing appropriate information and services regarding sexuality and reproductive health (SRH). This poor access can lead to sexual behaviours that could put them at risk of unintended pregnancies and sexually transmitted infections. Adolescents living with HIV (ALHIV) have specific SRH needs that remain unmet. We explored the SRH knowledge, practices and needs of ALHIV in Abidjan, Côte d’Ivoire.
Between April and September 2023, a qualitative study using semi-structured individual interviews was conducted with nine male and nine female ALHIV without previous pregnancies, and eight ALHIV who became pregnant. All consented and were ALHIV acquired perinatally, aged 15–19 years, informed of their HIV status, and followed in three paediatric HIV care centres in Abidjan. participating in the paediatric IeDEA West African Cohort and enrolled in the ANRS12390 OPTIMISE-AO project aimed at improving HIV disclosure process and adherence to antiretroviral treatment. A focus group discussion was conducted with five peer-educators, aged 23–31 years, participating in the OPTIMISE-AO project to gather their perspectives on adolescent SRH. Interviews were conducted in French, and a thematic analysis was performed.
All participants expressed difficulty in talking about SRH with their parents or health professionals and turned to their friends for advice. All feared transmitting HIV. One-third of female participants reported having experienced non-consensual sex and sexual violence. Participants reported low levels of condom use, despite having good knowledge of its purpose. Reasons for not using condoms included difficulties in negotiating for girls, as well as having an undetectable viral load, which was seen by adolescents as a condition for waiving condom use. As hormonal contraceptives were subject to many negative beliefs justifying their non-use, alternative methods, such as emergency contraceptive pills or traditional plants, were used to prevent pregnancy.
ALHIV reported unmet SRH needs, particularly in terms of accessing reliable information and appropriate support. Integrating SRH care into paediatric HIV care, organising SRH discussion groups led by peer-educators, and improving access to a range of contraceptives may address these needs to enhance SRH outcomes for ALHIV.
Mots clés - Appuyer sur la touche "Entrée" pour séparer les mots-clefs Adolescents Côte d'Ivoire Recherche qualitative Santé sexuelle et reproductive VIH
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  • Sida
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  • Côte d'Ivoire
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